Yesterday, Green Bay’s Rising Tide Society chapter met for our February meetup at NeighborWorks Green Bay. NeighborWorks serves the greater Green Bay Area with housing counseling and education services, homeownership lending, and housing renovation in Green Bay’s Original Neighborhoods. Thanks to the great team at Green Bay Doulas for setting up this awesome location for us!
We gathered together for cupcakes and conversation and discussed Growth and Collaboration. Jen, owner of Jenstar Yoga & Movement Studio, guest spoke and shared her insight on hiring employees and cultivating great collaborations. I loved when she talked about partnering with other people who share your “why.” It’s so important to be on the same page with other businesses owners you want to work with or new people you want to hire. Then she shared this quote that I’m obsessed with, “We can’t all be original, but whatever you do, be authentic.” So true and so perfect!
After our meetup, our group was lucky enough to tour The Farmory right next door! The Farmory is transforming a historical building into an educational urban farm which will strengthen our community and encourage self-sufficiency through agricultural and entrepreneurial education and employment skill development. Even though they are still in the early stages, it was amazing to visit this historical building and hear about their vision for the future!
Thanks to everyone who joined us yesterday! You are all so fabulous!
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